Welcome to Executive Diamond Services!
Jewellery Repair Services
Jewellery Repair Services Have a Repair? Do you have a family heirloom that doesn’t represent your personal style or taste? Or maybe you love that beautiful gold bracelet that was passed down to you from your mom, but that pesky clasp paired with its age is becoming impractical and you’re nervous to wear it. There’s no reason that your favourite pieces of jewellery should have to sit in a box for the rest of eternity!
8 Reasons Why it is Better to Buy from Executive Diamond Services than Online Jewellery Stores
8 Reasons Why it is Better to Buy from Executive Diamond Services than Online Jewellery Stores

1. Emotion We will cry with you at your wedding, we will weep for joy at a baby’s birth. We will hug you and help you through a divorce. Why? Because we KNOW YOU. We know what you like and care if you are happy. We know your dog’s name and your daughter’s due date. You talk. We listen. We know your secrets and keep them. We are Executive Diamond Services

Designing your Jewellery with the Latest Technology
Designing your Jewellery with the Latest Technology

It is an undeniable fact that computers have changed the landscape of every industry, and a clear example of this is the technology being used in CAD jewellery design. At the outset, it seemed as though there was no way for the old world artisans’ skills to be replicated by computer-assisted design. The thought that artistic skills used by master model makers could be assumed by computers in a mechanized world was absurd. Executive Diamond Services has designed hundreds of jewellery pieces and created jewellery for over 12 years, we can attest to the inaccuracy of this way of thinking. It seems the one thing we did not take into consideration while believing this fairy tale was the element of human interaction. The computer did not replace the jeweller. It simply made it possible for artisans to express themselves with more clarity than ever before.

25% OFF all repairs with your Free assessment
25% OFF all repairs with your Free assessment We often forget to professionally care for our jewellery until it’s too late. If you have a jewellery piece that is in need of some TLC, have us clean and inspect it to restore its natural shine and make it look like new again. Our experienced jewellers and goldsmiths can inspect and service your fine jewellery, and make sure that there are no weak or broken areas on your bracelets, rings, earrings, watches, or any other pieces of jewellery that you bring in for a complimentary assessment. All repairs and custom work are done locally by our master goldsmith. Call today for your appointment.